I'm painting a Beaver again this year (insert joke here). So the usual question is "Huh?" But, it really isn't as strange as it sounds. These 4' beavers are purchased or sponsored by companies in the Barrie area to raise money for the Kempenfelt Rotary Club, which in turn donate the money to local charities. I responded to a Call for Artist and was one of the artists chosen to paint for the second year in a row. Yeah!
So what does one paint on a 4' beaver? A Yellow Perch named Parker. That's right, my beaver is a fish out of water. I don't know where he is going to be displayed and I may never know. So, for now, I'm going to enjoy having some evenings back to myself that people can't walk by the driveway and make fun of my beaver LOL (although I will miss the repetitive and occasionally clever remarks about my Beaver)
Until then, check these pics of Parker from last night. What a stud!!
For more information visit, www.barriebeaverfestival.com.