I know I posted last year that I had plans for a quilt. I even finished the top of a king sized quilt but was side tracked by Christmas and Charlie's bed so never got around to finishing it. I was inspired by his bed to make him a quilt to so I quickly went to work cutting up all his old t-shirts that don't fit him anymore with hopes of giving it to him for Christmas. Ha! Yeah right, who was kidding. So I had two quilt tops finished and was at a stand still as I've never made a quilt before. I asked my sister for some help and went to work on Charlie's as a sort of "test" before I did a huge king sized one for myself. So a shout out to my sister Melanie who is a quilting maniac. She is at home with a buggered knee and although that is terrible for her, it gave me a chance to use and abuse her and her wicked sewing machine (did I mention that in the middle of all this, mine broke. Frig!). It was great to hang out with her and have her give me advice on how to finish this quilt. I'm proud to say that I officially accomplished my goal. It looks really cool (from the front, please if you ever see it in person don't turn it over!), and I got to spend some quality time with my little sis, albeit swearing and cursing the entire time. But hey, I reached my goal I finished a quilt. Not the quilt I started out making, but I guess I didn't say I had to finish THAT quilt!
So, here it is and Charlie loves it. That's all that matters.
And Mel, thank you so much for your help. I hope you're knee gets better soon. But not too soon, I have a quilt for you to finish. ;)
